Our Rooftop Patio Furniture Set

I am so excited to finally share details about our rooftop patio furniture. Man, oh man, the hell we went through to get this right. It was probably Jose’s most frustrating project. Thankfully, we sorted out every issue and finally own an outdoor set we LOVE and enjoy!

Details on our patio furniture:

First things first, this is our second outdoor patio set. Yep, that’s right, we returned the first set. Don’t get me wrong, it was beautiful too but it didn’t go with the vibe of the home. It didn’t match, or stand out, amongst the other elements on the rooftop. Having said that, we didn’t think twice about it, and returned it.

Here’s a tip, don’t settle for anything you don’t love. Think about it, you are spending hundreds, if not thousands, on making your home beautiful. You better love every aspect of it, otherwise, what’s the point? I mean, after all, we are spending a lot of time in our home nowadays.

Whenever we spotted this collection online, we knew it had potential. We were concerned about it appearing too bulky (like the first set) so I truly didn’t know what to expect. We waited several weeks before it delivered, but once it was delivered and set-up, we immediately fell in love with it, especially after adding the rug! It sealed the look.

Although the space remains a bit bare, we have to carefully consider what else to add. I don’t want to add too much where the area appears too small, or cluttered. However, I would love a small side table, a fireplace, and an outdoor plant. We shall wait and see how it comes together over the next few months. Until then, here’s to many wine nights and sunsets on the terrace.

If you have any questions about the set, let me know. You can always reach me through email at mrsprofresh@gmail.com or dm on Instagram.

6 thoughts on “Our Rooftop Patio Furniture Set

  1. Hi Sonia, great style. We have a similar rooftop patio in Denver…how did you guys anchor the light string apart from the house? Wind can sometimes be a challenge here. Thx

    1. Hi Don! I just updated the blog post with the cable wire clips we used to secure the lights. I hope this helps! We live in Houston, near the Gulf, and experience high winds around hurricane season. As of today, they’re holding up well and we already had a few windy storms.

  2. It’s really nice how you made a rooftop patio look so simple yet so effective. We have an empty rooftop space that we’d like to convert to something more useful, and I was looking for ways on how to do it without going too overboard. Your furniture examples are definitely something I’d like to be inspired by, so I’ll keep them in mind after getting a rooftop patio paver contractor to help us with the early stages of the project.

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