The Top Five Posts in March 2020

Here is last month’s roundup of the most viewed blog posts…

  1. Interesting Turn of Events – Wow! Just reading this blog post give me chills. I definitely believe everything said on this blog post is very much relevant to this day. If you’re feeling uneasy about everything occurring right now, I highly encourage you to read it. It may distract you from everything else. And it’s the good kind of distractions…productive distractions.
  2. Tips on How to Stay Focused While Working from Home – My little sister (who is very familiar with working from home) and I collaborated on this one. We consolidated our tips that help us stay focused while working from home. We know a lot of people who are currently settling in this new reality and wanted to be a helpful resource for those people. Hope you take away valuable nuggets!
  3. Spring Workwear ShirtdressThis $28 find is super cute for spring/summer! I know we are wondering when life will return back to normal and I am praying it’s very soon! I am ready to dress up head to toe again! (If you follow along on IG stories, you know I am still getting dressed up except I am not wearing shoes in the house, lol! This gal misses her heels!)
  4. It’s Down Syndrome Awareness Month – While it’s not actually Down Syndrome Awareness Month, it’s in October, I am happy this blog post keep resurfacing on the top blog posts for the month. This is wild. Who knew Sonia’s story would touch so many lives?!?
  5. Stop, Look, and Listen – This was such an impromptu blog post, super raw, and the truest emotions were flowing through me at the time. I am so glad I captured those emotions on my blog and should probably consider sharing more of these in the future.

Well, that’s a wrap for tonight! I hope you have a relaxing evening. I am so excited for this week, I plan on making it another productive week.

Stay well, my friends.

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