Homemade Wellness Shot

What the heck is a wellness shot? It’s basically a small (and potent) juice made of herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits. Dependent upon which ingredients you choose, a wellness shot can boost your immunity, give you energy, help with digestion, reduce inflammation, and many other benefits.

I came across wellness shots a while back at my local grocery store. I was intrigued so I bought the Buda juice brand. The results? I loved them. In fact, I keep them in stock, especially around cold/flu season.

They’re a little pricey so I created one at home to see if I could pull it off. Turns out it’s not too shabby so I figured I would share it!

Here is what you’ll need, ~2 servings:
  • 1/2 of a cucumber
  • 1/2 of a lemon
  • 1 inch of ginger
  • 1 inch of turmeric
  • 1/2 cup of fresh OJ (or freshly squeezed oranges)
  • Sprinkle of cayenne pepper

Cut the cucumber in slices, cut the lemon in small chunks, etc. You’ll toss the cucumber (peel and all), the lemon (peel and all, yup, that’s right), ginger, turmeric, orange juice, and sprinkle some cayenne pepper. Blend until smooth. Serve and chug!


Tip: Please, please wash your blender/juicer parts right away. Otherwise, you’ll have a stained blender/juicer due to the turmeric.

I’ve listed key benefits for each ingredient below:

  • Cucumber – Helps with hydration
  • Cayenne – Helps with congestion
  • Turmeric Pepper – Helps with pain, inflammation, and boosts immune system
  • Ginger – Known to treat the cold/flu
  • Lemon and Orange Juice – High in vitamin C

I hope you try this wellness shot, and if you do, please share! I’d love to know what you think. Also, I am not a nutritionist, so please do your own research, and consult with a doctor to address any health concerns or questions you may have 🙂

Ps. I recently shared my first smoothie recipe too! Click here to read my latest creation 😉

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